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Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 2:49 pm
by CyberDrac
Due to the number of attendees we will be hopefully running a league of some sort so that everyone plays everyone and the best person wins, we will be running elimination contests but want to make it last a decent number of rounds, hence the small team requirement. We'd love to play 4v4 or more but there would only be two rounds a final at best, so we keep the team size small, the number of teams large and hope to get 3 rounds and a final instead. There will also be 'fun' tournaments on silly games on the big screen like last event, we played ColinMcRae, Stepmania, Trackmania and some cover disk games which were quite good fun. We will be having mega half room vs half room games probably on stuff like BF and it's mods like Galactic Conquest and Pirates. I hope this answers your questions some more.



Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 4:32 pm
by MinceMeat
cheers Dude(s)..I have to find out what my plans are for sept, But I really want the opportunity to drive down to unchartered terroritory (Kent for me<---Noob Driver) and What better way, than to have a Lan as a reason!!.

I had another question but i Forgot it!! FFS its all that Paint i inhale...oo wait..Nope its gone.

Ill be in touch

mince :roll:

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 1:25 pm
by CyberDrac
OK ... after a few discussions on IRC we have established that British Sniper and two other participants intend to join Mikeh but are having problems signing up (sorry lads, we'll sort that out soon, find myself or KF on IRC and we'll try and fix it) so that will mean that 3 of the last 6 spots will have been taken. We are also hoping that Toptotty will be joining us as a spectator. That means that the ever elusive Equilibrium who indicated that he'll pay on the door my account for one, and hopefully EvilGangsta will make Team Evil into a threesome, this leave that last magic space to fight over!

Please remember that if you have not PAID then your place is not guaranteed, if for what ever reason you wish/need to pay on the door LET US KNOW here.

Many thanks to the many people who have contacted us over the last few days and are arranging payments, and we look forward to meeing you all at the event.



Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 5:52 pm
by MinceMeat
I have Signed up to the event.


- If I pay before hand, and cant make it, is there a refund?
- If i Book, but intend to pay on the day, is it the same price?
- How much food do we bring and Where do we brush our teeth? :twisted:
- Will you have any drinks/Food for sala at the event (also do you have a fridge)?

I think thats all my mind can think of now..


mince :)

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 6:07 pm
by CyberDrac
1. If you prepay and then tell us before hand that you can't attend and we can fill your slot then we are more than happy to either send you your money back or give you credit for the next event you attend

2. Paying on the door is ?20 but you need to let us know that is what you intend to do

3. Bring a few munchies and whatever your tipple is or buy it from local shops when you get here, there are washing facilities in the building

4. We may have a few non-alcoholic beverages for sale (redbull or similar), and we have fridge space but it is shared so be considerate and don't fill it up with only your stuff, we will routinely mass order Pizza during the weekend and intend to have a social take-away meal on the Saturday night (chinese and indian)



Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 9:20 pm
by CyberDrac
OK well British Sniper has finally overcome his problems with signing up and so hopefully his two associates will be following suit, and it looks like Mincemeat is planning a visit, however on a downside (or a positive for the lucky person who takes his place) Dojo Dan has a wrist injury precluding him from participating as anything other than an enthusiastic spectator, so we have another opening for a player.

So 29 so far, 30 and 31 to British Sniper's mates, and 32 to Mincemeat, but with Dojo Dan's retirement we still have a place going spare!

Correction: it was 26 so far, British Sniper, Nuggy, and Mincemeat have already signed up to take it to 29, leaving three spaces, four with Dojo Dan's place to go, one more to go to Mikeh's mate (turns out to be Webz who is already signed up) to take it to 29 proper, three spaces left after that! (now four 'cos Webz is already signed up and paid)

So ... who out there is going to be our last signup? Equilibrium? Axe and Darky's mate? Will EvilGangsta make it a TeamEvil threesome? Kwazo if he can overcome his travel difficulties?

Tune in this time next week for the next thrilling installment of ... dum dum der ... LlamaLAN signups - the race for last place !


Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 6:29 pm
by CyberDrac
OK, I've been getting my knickers in a twist over this so I thought that I'd tidy up the list a bit ... many thanks to everyone who has already signed up or paid ... now on with the task of filling those last 4 places ... as before we have had interest expressed by a numer of people listed below but no firm confirmations ...
  • Equilibrium (haven't heard anything since forum post of 20th May - "i will defenetly be there(with 20 of course)" - please, if someone can contact him, get him in touch!)
    Lyn + 2 (still making plans)
    Kwazo + 1 (can only come if +1 comes as driver)
    EvilGangsta (no comment so far - can Setekh or Warlock please prod him to decide?)(edit: has decided to miss out on the fun :( )
    Darky and Axe's mate (No idea who this is or whether they've already signed up - more information please)(edit: 'tis Ph4rcyde - already signed up)
... it would be great to max out this event, but if people don't confirm there is a chance that their place might be taken by someone who signs up and pays before them and that's the last thing we want.

On a similar note the following people have signed up but not paid yet, just to remind you all that it will be ?20 on the door if we don't have the payment in advance ...
  • 30ft Smurf
    Jedi (edit: confirmed - pay on door)
    MinceMeat (edit: cheque in post?)
    Ph4rcyde (edit: has had his seat in the car poached and cannot attend :( )
    setekh (edit: confirmed - pay on door)
    striker (cheque in post?)
    {TE_UK}EvilWarlock (cheque in post?)(edit: confirmed - pay on door)

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 1:53 pm
by CyberDrac
29 places gone ... 3 more to go!

Welcome Shepherd friend of ShabbyJ ! See you there. (He's even PAID, Shabby ... take note!)


Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 11:44 pm
by MinceMeat
ok, If someone can send me/PM me the details of where to post a cheque, and who to post it to for the event, to book my seat, I will do so next week. I am looking forward to this (first time down in Kent, First Lan for more than one day) and Im quite sure ill make all the effort to get down there!! :twisted:


Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 8:30 am
by Kanonfodda
MinceMeat wrote:Question :How many Bullets does it take to Kill KF??
Thats charming that is! ;)

PM sent with details matey

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 9:47 am
by MinceMeat
hehe, just tryin to get some pre-Lan info!!! :lol: Or i Have been looking at the pics as well, and judjing from the pics and the comments, I say it takes many bullets to put you down!!!. (Joke). :twisted:

Yep, ill post it next week. (?15).

Just out of interest, Why did you choose a Llama for a Lan Mascot, or is it a Fetish thing? LOL :o

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 10:56 am
by Kanonfodda
I guess I better add some history, I'll write a post in the the general forum ;)

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 2:08 pm
by EvilWarlock
I read the history and feel enlightened and also relieved that we aren`t the only group with a weird and wonderfull story behind our group name.

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 2:33 pm
by Kanonfodda
Glad it made a reasonable read and to enlighten a fellow fragger. :D

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 4:52 pm
by MinceMeat
Its all clear now... :lol: