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LlamaLAN 4 -27th August Mailer

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 10:39 am
by CyberDrac
Welcome to the last weekly update in the run up to LlamaLAN 4

Firstly ? News! We have recently had contact from a member of Take 2 Interactive who have generously donated 5 ? yes FIVE ? full copies of their title ?Wings of War? a rather fun flight simulator based around the time of the First World War, these will be used as prizes during our tournaments, so not bad for a LAN of our small stature, I personally would like to extend our thanks to Take 2 Interactive for their support of the grass roots LANning community.

On the subject of tournaments, I am keeping the exact format secret at the moment, but I would suggest that everyone has installed on their machine the following titles ?

Battlefield 1942
Unreal Tournament 2004
Quake 3

? and on the reserve list ?

Battlefield Vietnam

? all other titles will be either Demos or Modifications of the above games available from the event FTP server, if you have any fun modifications you wish to play let me know in advance or upload them to the FTP when you arrive.

Preparations for the event

May I suggest this abbreviated list as basic preparation for the event ?

Anti Virus ? ensure your virus checker is up to date and you machine is clean
Scan Disk ? worth it just for peace of mind
Defragment your hard drive ? every little bit of speed helps
Install games ? make sure you have at least a clean install of every game you wish to play
Bring CDs for reinstall ? every event has someone having to do a re-install from scratch
Bring PC ? obvious I know but it?s easy to pack a car and be convinced that it?s in there somewhere
Bring Power Block ? essential, don?t leave home without one
Open file shares ? open shares are invitations for looking at the contents of your machine
Firewall ? some people consider these essential at LANs but ensure that ports are open for gaming
Sleeping Kit ... you know what you?ll need to make yourself comfortable
Washing Kit ? for your benefit and those around you
Food and Drink ? we don?t want you to starve, but you pick stuff up once you get here

To remind you of the general way of working at these events, a little summary, upon arrival come on in and choose where you want to sit, any large, or indeed small, groups who wish to sit together please let us know in advance and we?ll put reserved stickers on your chairs and tables to keep you together. We will be supplying a single power point to your seat, and so a multi-way power block is essential, please only attach items which are essential to the running of your PC and it?s immediate peripherals. We will be providing a single network cable to your seat, let us know if you need any assistance in setting up the network.

Remember ?

Fun had is directly proportional to willingness to have fun

? make a point of introducing yourself to those around you and you will make loads of friends and have a great LAN

An improved map is also up on the website and an Adobe Acrobat PDF format file upon request.

See you all soon