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Llamalan 4 - Reviews

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 9:41 pm
by Axe
Well after another excellent event i just thought it would be nice to post some of our thoughts on the event, here is mine:

Ive been coming to llamalan ever since the very first one which was held in KF's parents house, and i have to say each year they just get so much better. So i want to take this chance to say a large thankyou to Kannonfodda & CyberDrac aswell as all the other people who were involved in making this another sucess!

Its always interesting attending a lan beacuse there are always new faces (new people to leech from in other words :lol: ) who all share a simelar interestest. I met some really nice people this time (ones i had not seen before) and i really hope to see them at future events.

The tourniment which was ran was my personal highlite. For anyone who doesnt know, we played a ut2k4 1v1 tourniment for a prize of an everglide mousemat ~ and i think we got about 9 people taking part which ment competition was strong. It was such a close matchup and all of the games i played and spectated were real nailbiting stuff. Some of the best games i remember playing were against the very capible darky/striker/mincemeat those games seemed to be the most testing of the entire tounriment and we were all after that mousemat!

The venue was excellent, the facilities were excellent the people was excellent and most of all the organisation was excellent.

I would like to take this opportunity again to thank everyone who was involved with the preperation of Llamalan 4! It was great fun and i hope to see you all at llamalan 5 :D

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 9:55 pm
by Kanonfodda
Thanks dood, always good to get positive feedack, I only have one question though

whats wrong with the reviews forums ;)

As I say, it was our pleasure, and I am glad that you enjoyeds the event

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 10:04 pm
by Dr_Dunce
Huge thanks to all the LL team, this is the first event I've attended which wasn't a multiplay i-series. And the experience really makes me want to start going to others ^^
First impressions were: "Holy crap, this is small"
In many (if not most) ways thats a huge advantage, it makes for a much nicer atmosphere, with minimal risk of idiots ruining it for everyone.

With DDR, PG, Singstar (& TopTotty \0/ ) all in one event where could it go wrong?!
Huge fun, huge games, great people.
Thanks again for a great weekend, it's a shame we (myself and neo) couldn't stay longer (Damn his train!)

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 7:24 pm
by MinceMeat
Well, what can I say. I loved it. This Lan gave me chance to experience PG first hand, and gave me the opportunity to meet a bunch of very friendly and exciting people, from different parts of the UK. I enjoyed the gaming sessions we had in UT (and i actually did ok in UT2004, my first semi-victory at a LAN!!) and BF (DC+GC). And I cant forget ravenshield with the TE crew, the Fantastic/Hilarious game of Tron Racing and getting my arse wooped on AOE2... :twisted:

A Big shout goes out to all the people I met and played with including: TE (Setekh/Warlock/Nads), Striker, Inkubus, Malarchi, jedi, jelly, Mikeh, British Sniper, Axee, Neo_ad, Dr_Dunce and the rest.

My MSN is Stay in touch, and hope to give ya all an online game of DC one day.

Mince Over and out. 8)

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 9:23 pm
by Onionstar
Well done LlamaLAN crew on a job well done.
Hopefully next time (february aint it planned for?) I will convince the whole TEUK clan to come allong. We have a number of dedicated games servers, all you need do is ask and we'll bring em with us.
Thanks ever so much to all those who helped to try and fix my PC woes, in case you are interested, after a lengthy call from abit (yup, I got them to call me back :)) I got the cmos reset to its default (apparently this board revision is slightly different to the one described in the manual) and it all works fine again.
I might see if we can have tron hosted on one of our game servers on the net, anyone interested?

With any luck I might catch some of you at i22 this November :D