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Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 9:57 pm
by Kanonfodda
well, another event is over, another truck load of black sacks! and a fair number of satisfied customers.

But, we would be remis if we did not look into improving at each event. We have a few ideas, but are alwys happy to welcome more.

So, on that note, let us know what you liked, what you didn't like, what you think we can improve, and what you think we should do and don't.

I pass the floor over to you :D

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 9:30 pm
by Onionstar
Any chance that tounaments could be signed up for, and arranged before the event begins? And maybe schedule a few big games like a 30 player game of DC?

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 1:46 am
by Golem
I was dead impressed when I walked in on Saturday. Vast improvement on attendance, really helped lift the atmosphere. Met some nice peeps too, me and Mincemeat pwn3d the judicator bridge!! Until we got shot. Anyway, hats off to KF and CD and their little helper ;) for a really cool time. The four or so hours I spent there with a working game running were a good deal of fun. :)

When do we see the photos? :)

We were chatting in the office today and my main suggestion for the LAN is similar to the previous comment. There needs to be far more structure to the games being played. Shabby reminisced the many times he would get a game installed to play what everyone else was doing, only to discover everyone had moved on to something else!

I think it would work if you set specific times that games were going to be played and projected them up onto a wall or onto the intranet or both. The games don't even need to be tournaments, but at least everyone could get their PC's organised to join in and the same time. So at 11:00 you say that the game is Vanilla Battlefield 1942, and everyone gets it running and everyone has a freestyle run on BF across a few maps, like we did on GC. That stops at 12:30 and you give it an hours rest for peeps to go play Projector Games, play their own thing, or install the next game which starts at 13:30. Chuck a few tournaments amongst the days of the LANS and notify everyone well in advance that they need to get into teams and get the tourny game installed each time.

I think that'll improve the fun tenfold again! :D

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 12:19 pm
by MinceMeat
yep, What the smeagal says make sense. :lol: The Fun will increase Ten fold, if a pre-event Schedule is published, so that everyone can get those games installed either on the day or before hand. Also, many people forgot their original Cd's but had their own CD keys, so some backup ISO's would have made things easier :wink: