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Llamalan 4!

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 4:35 pm
by Golem
NOT to be confused with Llamalan 2004 (which was the 3rd one...)

KF hasn't mentioned it yet, so I thought I would. :) He's confirmed the dates for Llamalan 4: 3rd-5th September 2004. So if you need a lot of time to book off in advance, you can't say you weren't told.

As an aside, you'll notice the site changing gradually for a little while. KF is doing a lot of work on a new look and altered functionality so expect it to evolve somewhat throughout the not too distant future. :)

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 3:28 pm
by Kanonfodda
why post in the forums, thats what the site is for ;)

cheers Golem :D

Site is coming along nicely, thanks for the style, now all I have to do is finish applying it

*mutters* wtf does this bit go? *mutters*

Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 10:49 am
by Guest
hey all,

1 small request, please make it so we can smoke near our comps, i felt anoyed going for a splif outside everytime, thought i wanted to add together 2 best things in the world ^_^

Equilibrium, the UT master :D

Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 10:53 am
by Guest
and btw i forgot my login details, so i cant sign up

but i will defenetly be there(with 20 of course)
so save 1 space

Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 2:36 pm
by CyberDrac
Just out of curiousity why not pre-pay? (you can send a cheque and save a fiver, or e-mail kanonfodda (at) ftd (dot) org (dot) uk and I'm sure he'll chage your password or send you details so that you can do it properly)

and in answer to your earlier question, the entire venue is no smoking, of any kind, and so we bound to keep to that, as I believe I mentioned at the previous event it wouldn't look good if they walked in and found a) someone smoking, and b) smoking your preferred choice of recreational herb. It's a good venue and we'd like to keep it going.


Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 7:07 pm
by Guest
Equilibrium .... you never actually ever signed up to the website and so all you have to do it create an account and sign up ... once signed up you can pay Kanonfodda by sending him cash, or a cheque to his home address or use the facility of PayPal to pay in advance ... payments received on the day will be ?20 not ?15 and if you don't pre-pay then then event may not happen in the first place ... so sign up ... and pay up in advance .... make the event happen ... it was good fun last time ... it'll be more fun this time!


Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 7:08 pm
by Kanonfodda
lol, must get htose cookies working :D

/edit: Cookies fixed

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 1:53 pm
by CyberDrac
Well ... we're nearly there ... 17 signed up (1 more needed) and 9 paid (9 more needed) ... half way there ... soooo close I can almost smell it! [Oh no tha's KF's feet]
So spread the word tell all your friends ... yep ... both of them! and get them to sign up ... no excuses! Pay up and let's get this party going.


Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 2:05 pm
by IXL
Hows it looking? Have you managed to get everyone to pay n play lol

Hope it goes well.

I'll pop in at some point n steal a beer. :)

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 4:32 pm
by Kanonfodda
yep, 14 of the 18 have paid, with the other 4 paying in the next couple of days.

Things are looking good :D

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 9:57 am
by Axe
Looks like ill be blessing you’ all with my presence again :lol: Darky and I will both be making our mammoth journey, ill be on first name terms with people in Medway in no time!

This will be the fourth one ive been too, and they just keep getting better (thanks Tim/CD 8) ). Id like to play some q3 CPMA like the first LAN, which was cool. I can remember Magic coming into our "lair" at the first LAN, then seeing someone loading promode, and running down stairs to play (aww bless!!)

Anyway, see you in a few months

Capt. Moron - Axee.

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 4:36 pm
by IXL
Glad its coming together...

Ours isnt going to bad either... Esp as we'r planning the english breakfast as well now :)

I can already smell that bacon.... mmmmm

{TE_UK}EvilWarlock gets a new toy for LlamaLan

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 8:24 pm
by EvilWarlock
Just had to post this news, Looks like i should be bringing my newly upgraded rig to your LAN which will be it`s first real gaming test, that`s after i have tested it and retested so i know it will not fail that would be so embarassing. I now have 120gig & 80 Gig SATA drives, 3.4 Gig Northwood HT, 1 Gig Dual DDR 3200, Asus 9800xt 256mb graphics and a case with more fans than a justin Timberlake concert and can`t forget my LAN keyboard which lights up with blue keys always handy in those low light conditions.

EDIT:- Shiny new Main board now arrived after a storming bargaining session, those lovely guys at handed me a shiny new ASUS P4C800-E DELUXE Motherboard with all the OC trimmings and gig lan for ?50, me thinks i`m spending too much!!

Update:- She be all done and assembled just ran some benchmarks and i get aquamark03 = 41789 (Unclocked) 3dmark03 = 6487 (Unclocked) 3dmark2001 = 15074 (Unclocked) and also without my 1 gig of dual DDR so i think she be running quite well.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:43 pm
by CyberDrac
You beauty... looking forward to meeting you and your rig!

See you at the LAN ... maybe we'll have a OCing comp or a most pimped rig comp or a most glowy thing rig, or even a 3DMark score comp?


Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 8:50 am
by EvilWarlock
Yeah that could be something different, What is your rig running CD? i`m always intrerested in what other people run nowadays what with these higher end games etc coming out.